Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wellington: 14-17 October

Wellington, New Zealand’s capital, a big city again! We checked into our hostel, the Cambridge Hotel (it was a hotel and then added a backpackers part). This place has potential with its wooden walls, high ceilings, and tiled bathrooms, but it is cramped which therefore everything gets dirty very qucikly. Everywhere was cramped; the room, the kitchen, the common area, so I really didn’t like this hostel. Live and learn!

Feli and I got settled and then set out to the streets to see what Wellington had to offer. We walked down Courtenay Place and saw that Macbeth was playing by the NZ Opera at the St. James Theatre. We went inside and found out they had a great day of performance deal! We got the best seats in the house worth $200 for $27!! After purchasing tickets, we walked the streets for a bit longer, got food for the next few days, and found a great burger/chicken sandwich pub for a buy one get one deal! So we stuffed our faces and filled out stomachs. Close tot his pub is a place called Kaffee Eis. WOW, they have the best gelato I have ever had. I have it ever day while in Wellington. Oops! So we found some room in our stomachs to fit some of this mouth watering gelato and then headed to Macbeth! It was very well done with a stunning set and spectacular voices!

The next day was filled with tourist activates! We started out by going to NZ’s Parliament. They have this building where all the officials work called “the Beehive.” It recently got voted one of the ugliest buildings in the world. And yes, it is. :) We didn’t go into that building but we Chamber of the House of  Representatives, saw one of the committee rooms, and toured some of the hallways of the building. It was free though! 

Bet you can't guess which one is "The Beehive!"

After a short tour there we went back for lunch and then headed to Te Papa, NZ’s largest and most famous museum. This was a very good museum. It had everything from history to art to free internet!! :P Much better then the $3 for half an hour at our hostel…another reason to dislike that hostel! :) So we spent a few hours there and took advantage of the free internet!

That night we made a big yummy steak, garlic mashed potatoes, and salad dinner to get ourselves ready for the night out in the big town! Again, it was a great night full of many, many memories and many different pubs and clubs!

The next day it was hard for Feli to get out of bed. I wasn’t feeling the greatest either but can’t waste a day here! So I went and took advantage of Te Papa’s free internet again. I had the morning and early afternoon to myself and just wandered around the town. This was when I decided to book my return flight back to the US. So I found an Air New Zealand office and tired to book it as close to Christmas as possible. That option came out to be December 6. It is getting hard to live out of backpack and from hostel to hostel, town to town. Living with 6-12 other people in bunk beds isn’t what I could do for nine more months either… I am loving every second of this experience and still am very happy I decided to take this opportunity to do it!

I found out that Wellington’s rugby team, the Lions was playing a game this night! Before I leave NZ, that is something I HAD to do. So it was the perfect timing! I went back to the hostel to find Feli still in bed :P and asked her if she would want to go. Surprisingly she said she did! Trooper! We went for a walk after she crawled out of bed and then got some sushi. It was in this really cool sliver of a restaurant. You sit around an island with a conveyer belt that goes around with sushi and then you pick the sushi you want as soon as it was in front of you! So cool! :P

Its hard to resist from grabbing
every single plate that comes around...

Then off to my first rugby game!

Tough guys...

The next day we got to see why Wellington’s nickname is “Windy Wellington.” Add that with rain and it turned out to be a typical NZ day! We still got out and went on Wellington’s famous Cable Car.

At the top there is a large botanical garden, it would have been nice to see if the weather was nice, but we didn’t want to walk around in the windy rain and decided to go back and plan our travels for the next couple of weeks. The next day we had to catch an early 7 AM bus to get to the Internislander ferry. We were crossing the Cook Strait  to Picton to start our travels in the South Island!! 

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